[Config 2020 Talk]
How NPR Conducts Usability Testing
When Figma announced their new conference, Config, I was superrr excited because I love Figma both as a product and as a company. I decided to challenge myself and for the first time ever, apply as a speaker! I wanted to continue conquering my fear of public speaking and share a bit of how we operate research at NPR. Thanks so much to the NPR design team & Figma team for making this a reality 💜
Usability testing is nerve-wracking on its own, and adding remote participants to the mix presents new challenges. Learn how to set up your workflow & prototype so that your next remote usability test can go as smoothly as possible.
Key Takeaways
Planning and conducting remote usability tests is difficult but worth it. Remote testing allows you to have more diverse participants, whether that’s diversity in race, ethnicity, gender, age, or behavior.
Anticipate that your participant has never done this before. For example, asking participants to share their screen usually involves multiple steps (allow permissions, turning off notifications, etc). How can you instruct participants step-by-step so that they don’t get lost?
Use Smart Animate on Figma prototypes to make them come alive. Use slower animation speeds so that participants can better notice the various features you’re trying to test.
Link to slides: https://www.figma.com/community/file/809929330046483628